BEE On Call – Services

B-BBEE Consultation

Simplifying the Amended B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice design and successful implementation of B-BBEE solutions. Our Consultation options are as follows:

  1. One meeting – Answering and assisting with any questions
  2. Two meetings – Initial meeting, optimization report with a follow-up meeting
  3. Quarterly – Quarterly meeting with Optimization recommendations for the next quarter’s implementing strategies.
  4. Monthly retainer and assisting with compilation of file for the next verification with the implementation of strategies.

B-BBEE Optimization

With Optimization, the client will have a structured analysis of their current BEE standing and what strategies can be put in place to improve their BEE rating with minimal cost to the company.

Business Structures

We can assist with the Ownership restructuring and setting up of BEE Trusts / Companies and Share Option Agreements. We also assist with any other Ownership structure that the client wishes to implement within their business.

B-BBEE Strategy Plans

With a B-BBEE Strategy Plan we look at your organization’s current BEE standing and set achievable goals over a period of 3 years or more. This will also indicate how to achieve these goals and ultimately improve the organization’s B-BBEE Recognition Level.

B-BBEE Training

We offer B-BBEE Training for companies and individuals. Training could comprise of Workshops, Webinars, etc. Currently, we present Webinars in collaboration with Biz-facility.

Employment Equity Submission

We can assist with the submission of Employment Equity reports. According to the Employment Equity Act, if you are a designated Employer, these reports need to be submitted annually.

Workplace Skills Plan / Annual Training Report

We assist with the registration to the applicable SETA as well as compiling your WSP/ATR reports. To obtain any points for Skills Development, these reports have to be in place if your Annual Employee Costs are above R500 000. These reports need to be submitted annually before the end of April.

Skills Development Implementation

BEE on Call can assist with the sourcing and implementation of the following training types:

  • Learnerships
  • Apprenticeships
  • Bursaries
  • Internships
  • Skills Programmes

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